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dc.contributor.authorIANNIELLO SALICETI, Alessandro
dc.identifier.citationInformatica e diritto, 2008, 1/2, 99-117, Special issue in honour of Isabella Ciampien
dc.description.abstractThe article describes the evolution of Strasbourg case-law related to data protection with reference to several matters, namely foreign bank accounts (Funke), intelligence and national security (Klass, Segersted-Wiberg), porn-spams sent via email (Muscio). After showing the permanent fighting at the HR European Court between the individuals (claiming more respect for their private life) and the State (claiming the need to enhance protection of the "ordre public" in the society) the conclusions of the essay are in favour of strictly defining the contents of the "ordre public" (public policy) and of clarifying the contents the concept of "national security", as this vague wording can become a comfortable tool allowing the State to use a discretionary power when trespassing the sphere of private life.en
dc.titleLa protezione dei dati personali nell’ordine pubblico europeo: tutela della sfera privata e ingerenza dello Statoen

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