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dc.contributor.authorLEHMKUHL, Dirk
dc.identifier.citationAmsterdam : Thela Thesis, 1999, Regulation and marketsen
dc.description.tableofcontents--1 INTRODUCTION: OUTLINE AND MAJOR FINDINGS 1 --2 THE IMPACT OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION ON NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF INTEREST INTERMEDIATION 11 --2.1 General Considerations About State-Society Relations 14 --2.2 European Integration and the Organisation of Interests 18 --2.3 The Analytical Framework: The Adjustment of Structures and Strategies 22 --3 TRANSPORT POLICY IN EUROPE: THE LEGAL-INSTITUTIONAL AND ECONOMIC DIMENSIONS 35 --3.1 European Transport Policy: Legal, Institutional and Political Developments 36 --3.1.1 Legal Framework 37 --3.1.2 Institutional Framewoik 38 --3.1.3 European Transport Policy-Making 41 --3.1.4 The Common European Transport Policy: Its Making and Its Impact on the Member States 49 --3.2 The General Economic Environment 54 --3.2.1 The Transport Demand Side 55 --3.2.2 The Transport Supply Side 64 --3.3 Conclusion: The Impact of Political And Economic Integration on the Domestic Level 75 --4 GERMANY: CORPORATIST IMMOBILITY 79 --Introduction 79 --4.1 General Description: Considerable Potential for Collective Action 80 --4.2 Institutional Framework of the Transport Sector 84 --4.2.1 The Institutional and Regulatory Framework 85- --4.2.2 The Structure of the Transport Sector 90 --4.3 The Structure of State-Industry Relations in Road Transport 96 --4.3.2 Synopsis: The Organisation of Interests in German Road Transport 110 --4.3.3 Institutionalised Forms of Interaction 116 --4,4 Patterns of Interest Intermediation 119 --4.5 Summary: An Associational System Under Stress 122 --5 THE NETHERLANDS: NEO-CORPORATISM ALIVE AND KICKING 127 --Introduction 127 --5.1 General Description: A Decentralised Unitary State 128 --5.2 Institutional Framework of the Transport Sector 134 --5.2.1 The Institutional Framework 134 --5.2.2 The Regulatory Framework 136 --5.3 The Structure of the Transport Sector 142 --5.4 Structure of State-Industry --Relations in Road Transport 146 --5.4.1 The Organisation of Interests 146 --5.4.2 Patterns of Interest Intermediation 158 --5.5 Summary: The Associational System—Recovery by Concentration 163 --6 THE IMPACT OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION ON NATIONAL ASSOCIATIONAL SYSTEMS COMPARED 167 --6,1 Economic and Political Integration in Europe 169 --6.2 European Integration and National Associational Systems 171 --6.2.1 Logic of Membership Variables: The Sector Structure 171 --6.2,2 The Organisation of Interests 176 --6.2,3 Logic of Influence Variables: The External Environment 179 --6.3 Structural Convergence of Associational Systems? 186 --6.4 Europe's Differential Impact on Public-Private Exchange Mechanisms 195 --6.4,1 On Technical and Institutional Environments 196 --6.4.2 The Micropolitics of Associations 204 --7 CONCLUSION 211 --REFERENCES 215en
dc.publisherThela Thesisen
dc.titleThe Importance of Small Differences: European integration and road haulage associations in Germany and the Netherlandsen
dc.description.versionPublished version of EUI PhD thesis, 1998en

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