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Herausforderung Demokratie

dc.contributor.editorNCCR Democracy
dc.contributor.editorKRIESI, Hanspeter
dc.contributor.editorMÜLLER, Lars
dc.identifier.citationZürich : Lars Müller Publishers, 2013en
dc.descriptionA German version is also available: "Herausforderung Demokratie"en
dc.description.abstractIs democracy the best form of government? What are the hallmarks of a good democracy? These questions were asked in ancient times and we are still trying to find the answers today. We have learned, at least, that there is no “perfect” democracy ! Democratically-ruled nations try to strike a difficult balance between equality and liberty, as well as between majority and minorities. They try to maintain order in society while allowing for the greatest possible expressions of opinion at the same time. Democracy demands and democracy challenges — and as a system of government, democracy is itself challenged today by globalization and the development of digital media. Against this background, and in light of political and economic events in Asia or in the Arab world, there is another incessant question: is democracy still up-to-date? But of course! Democracies perform generally better and ensure peace more successfully than do other forms of government. Democracy: An Ongoing Challenge illustrates why. This visual reader uses the power of images to complement the text, resulting in a compendium of the history and development of democracy, and offers insight into the contemporary debates.en
dc.description.abstractSeit der Antike und bis heute wird darüber diskutiert, ob Demokratie nun die beste Staatsform sei und welches die Merkmale einer guten Demokratie sind. Sicherlich gibt es nicht die «perfekte» Demokratie. Demokratisch regierte Staaten stellen sich der schwierigen Balance zwischen Gleichheit und Freiheit, Mehrheit und Minderheit, einer geordneten Gemeinschaft und einem lebendigen Meinungspluralismus. Demokratie fordert – und ist als System selbst gefordert, angesichts von Globalisierung und digitaler Medienentwicklung. Vor diesem Hintergrund und aufgrund der politischen und wirtschaftlichen Entwicklungen in Asien oder in der arabischen Welt wird immer wieder gefragt, ob die Demokratie noch zeitgemäss sei. Aber ja! Demokratien sind leistungsfähiger und friedenssichernder als andere Regierungsformen. «Herausforderung Demokratie» zeigt auf, warum. Als visuelles Lesebuch nutzt es die vermittelnde Kraft des Bildes neben den Argumenten der Sprache. Es ist ein umfassendes Kompendium zur Geschichte und Entwicklung der Demokratie und bietet Einblick in die aktuellen
dc.description.tableofcontents• The Development Of Democracy: A Long Road, Hanspeter Kriesi and Daniel Bochsler • Democracy As A Universal Value, Amartya Sen • Masters Of Their Own Destiny, Shirin Ebadi • What Is Democracy ? Rule by the People, Wolfgang Merkel • The Prerequisites For Democracy : The State and the People — What Else ?, Frank Schimmelfennig and Manuel Vogt • I Have A Dream, Martin Luther King • Freedom, Development, And Human Worth, Aung San Suu Kyi • Democracy Is A Good Thing, Yu Keping • The Significance Of Territorial Size: Is Small Beautiful ?, Andreas Ladner • Differing Forms Of Democracy: How Do the People Rule ?, Daniel Bochsler and Hanspeter Kriesi • Country Portraits • Defective Democracies: More Appearance than Reality ?, Wolfgang Merkel • Vote ! • Democracy In Autonomous Village Communities: Traditional Forms of Participation, Jürg Helbling • Democracy In Ordinary Life : On a Smaller Scale, Erik Jentges • Democracy From Below : Italy’S Fiat Plants And Mobilization For The Future: Participatory Decision-Making in the Workplace, Flavia Fossati • The Performance Of Democracies: The Best of All Governmental Forms ?, Thomas Bernauer • The Quest For Dignity, Wole Soyinka • The Mediatization Of Society: A Challenge to Democracy ?, Frank Esser and Florin Büchel • Deliberative Democracy: The Power of the Better Argument, André Bächtiger and Marco Steenbergen • Opinion Formation In Referendum Campaigns : How Should I Vote ?, Regula Hänggli • Democracy—A Dream?, Max Frisch • Are We Moving Toward Post-Democracy ? : Democracy’s Fatigue, Colin Crouch • Democracy In The Age Of Globalization: On the Right Track ?, Sandra Lavenex • Demoicracy: The Democracy of Democracies, Francis Cheneval • Democracy In Megacities : The Twenty-first Century Challenge, Daniel Kübler • Appendixen
dc.publisherLars Müller Publishersen
dc.titleDemocracy : an ongoing challengeen
dc.titleHerausforderung Demokratiede

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