Date: 2008
Type: Technical Report
Irregular Migration in Jordan– A Policy of no Policy
Technical Report, [Migration Policy Centre], [CARIM-South], CARIM Analytic and Synthetic Notes, 2008/60
OLWAN, Mohamed Y., Irregular Migration in Jordan– A Policy of no Policy, [Migration Policy Centre], [CARIM-South], CARIM Analytic and Synthetic Notes, 2008/60 -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
The focus of this study is the legal framework on irregular migration, in Jordan, which is at once a destination country, a country of origin and a country of transit for irregular migrants. This complex and controversial issue poses real concerns for Jordan, but has not yet been addressed effectively or efficiently either by Jordanian policy or in academic literature. Consequently, this study relies principally on the few legal texts pertaining to the topic, on the Ministry of Labor and on the Ministry of the Interior’s positions, and on information found in the Jordanian media. The study has four main sections: the first deals with Jordanian national law and the question of when a person is considered an irregular migrant; while the other three sections explore the way that the Jordanian public authorities deal with irregularity in practice. Finally, in the conclusion, we suggest ways in which the legal standing of irregular migrants in Jordan could be improved.
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Euro-Mediterranean Consortium for Applied Research on International Migration (CARIM)
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Series/Number: [Migration Policy Centre]; [CARIM-South]; CARIM Analytic and Synthetic Notes; 2008/60