Date: 2009
Type: Working Paper
The Fundamentalisation of Social Rights
Working Paper, EUI LAW, 2009/05
EUI Social and Labour Law Working Group, The Fundamentalisation of Social Rights, EUI LAW, 2009/05 -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
The place and legal value of social rights in the EU Charter is only one episode (albeit a long drawn out episode, lasting since 2000)in the ongoing struggle about the ‘fundamentalisation’ of social rights, which is the subject of the contributions to this collective Working Paper. In the European Union itself, another arena of this struggle was opened up more recently by the judgments of the European Court of Justice in the cases Laval, Viking and Rüffert, which are amply discussed in several contributions of the Working Paper. Issues relating to the recognition of a fundamental legal status to social rights also occur in other contexts than that of the European Union, namely in the development and monitoring of international human rights norms, and also in the national legal context. This Working Paper contains the combined output of current doctoral research at the EUI in these two fields: of international and European human rights law, and of comparative and European labour law. The contributions which the reader will find in the following pages take stock of the current debate on the fundamental status of social rights, and raise a number of interesting perspectives on how to carry that debate forward.
Additional information:
The members of the EUI Working Group of Social and Labour Law are:
Uladzislau Belavusau (
Iris Benöhr (
Irene Galtung (
Ann-Christine Hartzén (
Nikolett Hös (
Anna Maciejczyk Jaron (
Claire Marzo (
Bruno Mestre (
Cadmus permanent link:
ISSN: 1725-6739
Series/Number: EUI LAW; 2009/05
Publisher: European University Institute
Keyword(s): Fundamental/human rights Social rights Right to information and consultation Medical rights Right to food European citizenship Constitutional courts Consumer’s rights Agency of Fundamental Rights Industrial rights
Sponsorship and Funder information:
The members of the EUI Working Group of Social and Labour Law are:
Uladzislau Belavusau (
Iris Benöhr (
Irene Galtung (
Ann-Christine Hartzén (
Nikolett Hös (
Anna Maciejczyk Jaron (
Claire Marzo (
Bruno Mestre ( Second Annual Open Workshop of the EUI Social and Labour Law Working Group
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