Date: 2009
Type: Working Paper
Pension Risk, Retirement Saving and Insurance
Working Paper, EUI ECO, 2009/18
GUISO, Luigi, JAPPELLI, Tullio, PADULA, Mario, Pension Risk, Retirement Saving and Insurance, EUI ECO, 2009/18 -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
Using a representative sample of Italian investors, we estimate the risk associated with
pension benefits by eliciting for each individual the subjective distribution of the
replacement rate as a summary indicator of social security wealth. We find substantial
heterogeneity of pension risk and show that it is consistently related to observable
features in the pension system that have different effects on individuals with different
characteristics. We then relate subjective pension risk to individuals’ financial decisions.
We find that people try to attenuate the adverse consequences of pension wealth
uncertainty by increasing demand for targeted retirement saving and for insurance.
Individuals facing more pension wealth risk tend to enroll more often in private pension
funds, invest more in life insurance and buy more private health insurance. These effects
are consistent with people becoming more risk-averse when pension wealth becomes less
predictable, leading them to search for greater financial security.
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ISSN: 1725-6704
Series/Number: EUI ECO; 2009/18
Publisher: European University Institute
Keyword(s): Pension Risk Retirement Saving Insurance H55 E21
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Acknowledgments. We are grateful to Michael Hurd and participants in the 2008 Fundación Ramón Areces Conference on “Population Ageing and its Economic Consequences” (Madrid, November 20-21 2008) for helpful comments and suggestions; to the UniCredit Group, and particularly Daniele Fano and Laura Marzorati, for allowing us contribute to the design of the UniCredit Customer Survey.