Date: 2009
Type: Other
EUI RSCAS DL, 2009/01, Gender and Europe, Ursula Hirschmann Annual Lectures
SCOTT, Joan W., Sexularism, EUI RSCAS DL, 2009/01, Gender and Europe, Ursula Hirschmann Annual Lectures -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
This paper addresses the sharp oppositions often made these days between secularism and gender equality, on the one side, and religion (especially Islam) and the oppression of women, on the other. It argues that we need a genealogy of secularism (in the way Talal Asad has called for it) to determine what the relationship has been historically between the separation of church and state and improvements in the status of women.
Cadmus permanent link:
ISSN: 1830-155X
Series/Number: EUI RSCAS DL; 2009/01; Gender and Europe; Ursula Hirschmann Annual Lectures
Keyword(s): Secularism Gender equality Islam Sexual difference