Date: 2009
Type: Technical Report
Tariffs for European Gas: Transmission Networks
Technical Report, EUI RSCAS, Florence School of Regulation, Gas
RIOUS, Vincent, HALLACK, Michelle, Tariffs for European Gas: Transmission Networks, EUI RSCAS, Florence School of Regulation, Gas -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
The mainline of the workshop was the transmission tariffs on gas network from a European perspective. Transmission tariff is a key issue for the European gas system for two reasons. First, transmission tariff should incentivize the efficient use of infrastructure and so facilitate the development of competition. Second, transmission tariff should also give enough return to network investors so that they upgrade the network efficiently compared to their current and future uses not only for national infrastructures but also for cross-border pipelines. Three issues were especially treated in the different sessions during the workshop, namely: 1° competition and efficient use of the network, 2° investment in national infrastructures, and 3° investment in cross-border infrastructures. Key conclusions and open questions from the debate among regulators, TSOs, stakeholders and academic delegates are reported here.
Additional information:
Report on Workshop Proceedings of 6 March 2009 Florence, Italy
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Series/Number: EUI RSCAS; Florence School of Regulation; Gas