Date: 2009
Type: Technical Report
Long-Term Energy Trends – Where Will We Be in 2050?
Technical Report, Loyola de Palacio Reports on Proceedings, 2009, [Florence School of Regulation], [Energy ]
DIAZ-RAINEY, Ivan, Long-Term Energy Trends – Where Will We Be in 2050?, Loyola de Palacio Reports on Proceedings, 2009, [Florence School of Regulation], [Energy ] -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
The fourth gathering of the popular ENERDAY Conference was a one day event guided by the
giddy-sounding theme of “LONG-TERM ENERGY TRENDS – WHERE WILL WE BE IN 2050?” The
event attracted over 90 European experts in energy policy, energy technology and energy
economics from academia, regulators, consultancies, and the energy industry itself. The event
took place under the umbrella of TU Dresden’s Energy Competence Centre (Energy 21++) and
was hosted by Prof. Christian von Hirschhausen. Pre- and post-conference meals, as well as an
excellent tour of Dresden the following day, provided ample opportunities for networking in
what proved to be a relaxed, broad-ranging and engaging event.
The conference itself was organized into three keynote speeches and four sets of concurrent
sessions (usually three running at any one time). The 11 concurrent sessions were: Energy
System 2050 (1) & (2), Electricity (1) & (2), Energy Technology, Renewables, Renewables and
Network Integration, Oil & Coal, Natural Gas, Regulation and Investment and Supply Security.
This summary is based on the key note addresses and attendance and participation at the
Regulation and Investment, Supply Security, Renewables, and Electricity (2) sessions.
Additional information:
APRIL 3RD, 2009
Cadmus permanent link:
Series/Number: Loyola de Palacio Reports on Proceedings, 2009; [Florence School of Regulation]; [Energy ]
Publisher: Florence School of Regulation