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dc.contributor.authorANTONIOU, Melanie
dc.identifier.citationSaarbrücken, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010en
dc.description.abstractIt is broadly accepted within International Relations’ (IR) scholarship that world politics is increasingly legalized. However, very little academic literature exists on what systemic changes and normative effects would mean for world politics, and on the potential strengthening of the global legal system, the deployment of legally binding institutional strategies. The Cosmocratical Community approach is a dialectic for the potential transformation of world order towards a post- Westphalian, legally binding institutional system of global governance - one that would overcome problems of anarchy, transform existing parameters of power politics and democratize and civilize the conduct of world affairs. The empirical analysis of ‘legal power Europe’ and its potential to shape world politics towards a legally binding form of governance, substantiates the Cosmocratical Community approach in terms of necessity and feasibility. This book should be especially useful to academics, students, political analysts, policy makers, and/or anyone else who has an interest in the field of IR and European studies.en
dc.publisherLambert Academic Publishingen
dc.relation.ispartofseries[Global Governance Programme]en
dc.relation.ispartofseries[European, Transnational and Global Governance]en
dc.titleThe Cosmocratical Community Approach of World Politics: A Dialectic for the Normative Effects of a Legally Binding Institutional System of Global Governanceen

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