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dc.contributor.editorVALENTINI, Chiara
dc.contributor.otherMARIMON, Ramon
dc.contributor.otherVALENTINI, Chiara
dc.contributor.otherBLACKBURN, Simon
dc.contributor.otherCLELAND, Carol
dc.contributor.otherPOSTEMA, Gerald
dc.contributor.otherCOLLINS, Harry
dc.contributor.otherCRUIKSHANK, Justin
dc.contributor.otherVANDENBERGHE, Frédéric
dc.description.abstractThis collection of papers addresses the issue of ‘objective vs. subjective’ knowledge in the social sciences and humanities: how we may get ‘objective’ knowledge out of ‘subjective’ perceptions; how ‘induction’ and ‘deduction’ should interact; how we can make policies or legal recommendations based on ‘objective knowledge’; how social agents’ knowledge should be modelled. Drawing on the structure of the conference, the papers are organized in sections which address a set of interrelated questions, against a common thematic background provided by Popper’s contribution on objective knowledge in the social sciences and humanities: the ‘induction problem’ and the accumulation of ‘subjective’ knowledge out of ‘objective’ knowledge; ‘objectivity’ of the law and of social policies; objectivity of facts and causal relations in the social sciences and humanities; the objective/subjective rationality of social agents.en
dc.description.tableofcontentsForeword Ramon Marimon 1 Introduction Chiara Valentini 3 Section I From ‘Subjective’ To ‘Objective Knowledge’: The ‘Induction Problem’ Revisited Simon Blackburn: Popper and His Successors 9 Carol Cleland: Common Cause Explanation and the Asymmetry of Overdetermination 17 Section II Objectivity of The Law and of Social Policies Gerald Postema: Hayek and Popper on the Evolution of Rules and Mind 33 Section III Objectivity of Facts and Causal Relations in the Social Sciences and Humanities Harry Collins: Demarcation Criteria and Elective Modernism 55 Justin Cruikshank: The Importance of Nominal Problems 61 Section IV Modeling Individual and Social Agents as Objective/Subjective ‘Rational’ Agents’ Frédéric Vandenberghe: Falsification Falsified. A Swansong for Lord Popper 73
dc.relation.ispartofseriesEUI MWPen
dc.subjectSocial sciencesen
dc.subjectKarl Popperen
dc.titleObjective Knowledge in Social Sciences and Humanities: Karl Popper and Beyonden
dc.typeWorking Paperen

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