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dc.contributor.authorIANNIELLO SALICETI, Alessandro
dc.identifier.citationGiancarlo ROLLA (ed.), Il sistema europeo di protezione dei diritti fondamentali e i rapporti tra le giurisdizioni, Milano, Giuffrè, 2010, 139-186en
dc.description.abstractThe concept of “common constitutional traditions” arises from a well-settled case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Communities It was mentioned for the first time in the early Seventies. Eventually the concept was introduced as a mainstream provision in the1992 Maastricht Treaty. To-date the concept is still embodied in the text of the 2007 Lisbon Treat, where it is defined as a “source of fundamental rights”. The present study aims at highlighting both the scope and the rationale behind the provision of article 6 of the EU Treaty, enshrining the authority principle of the “common constitutional tradition”, in comparison to a possibly conflicting role of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.
dc.titleIl significato delle tradizioni costituzionali comuni nell'Unione europeaen
dc.typeContribution to booken

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