Date: 2010
Type: Technical Report
Le cadre général de la migration au Mali
Technical Report, [Migration Policy Centre], [CARIM-South], CARIM Analytic and Synthetic Notes, 2010/75, Mediterranean and Sub-Saharan Migration: Recent Developments Series
DEMBELE, Djibonding, Le cadre général de la migration au Mali, [Migration Policy Centre], [CARIM-South], CARIM Analytic and Synthetic Notes, 2010/75, Mediterranean and Sub-Saharan Migration: Recent Developments Series -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
Le Mali est un pays de forte tradition migratoire. La diaspora malienne, qui représente, selon certaines sources, le quart de la population totale, joue un rôle important dans le développement du Mali. Pour la protéger, le Mali a conclu des conventions bilatérales ou multilatérales avec de nombreux pays. Ces accords ont donné naissance à des règles. Dans le même temps, le Mali a réglementé l’entrée, le séjour et l’établissement des étrangers sur le territoire national. L’ensemble de ces règles constitue le cadre général de la migration. Si le Mali respecte les conventions relatives à la migration, certains pays de la CEDEAO signataires des mêmes conventions ne les respectent pas. L’application effective des règles concernant la migration nécessite une approche globale de ce phénomène. / Mali has a long-standing migratory tradition. Indeed, according to some sources, the Malian diaspora represents a quarter of the country’s population. This diaspora plays an important role in Mali’s development and to protect its diaspora, Mali has concluded bilateral and multilateral conventions with many countries, conventions that have produced many regulations. Mali has also regulated the entry, stay and establishment of foreign nationals in the country. These regulations constitute the country’s general framework of migration. While Mali respects migration conventions, some ECOWAS countries, which signed the same conventions, do not. A global approach is, therefore, necessary for migration if there is to be an effective implementation of migration regulations.
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Euro-Mediterranean Consortium for Applied Research on International Migration (CARIM)
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Series/Number: [Migration Policy Centre]; [CARIM-South]; CARIM Analytic and Synthetic Notes; 2010/75; Mediterranean and Sub-Saharan Migration: Recent Developments Series