Date: 2011
Type: Technical Report
Gender and Migration in Sudan
Technical Report, [Migration Policy Centre], [CARIM-South], CARIM Analytic and Synthetic Notes, 2011/27, Gender and Migration Series
BABIKER, Mohamed Abdelsalam, Gender and Migration in Sudan, [Migration Policy Centre], [CARIM-South], CARIM Analytic and Synthetic Notes, 2011/27, Gender and Migration Series -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
This paper focuses on legal issues related to gender and migration in Sudan and highlights rules which specifically focus on women, and also rules and practices whose implementation mainly concerns women. In this context, the paper examines migration rules in Sudan as a host, origin and transit country of female migrants by looking at key issues such as family reunification, personal laws or personal status, asylum rights and refugee protection, protection of vulnerable persons or groups, and discriminatory rules affecting both Sudanese and foreign nationals. The paper argues that in Sudan there are no rules, institutions or mechanisms to support women before or during the migration procedure irrespective of whether they are Sudanese women, refugees or foreign nationals.
Cet article traite des questions juridiques relatives au rapport entre genre et migration au Soudan et met en lumière les règles concernant spécifiquement les femmes, ainsi que les règles et pratiques dont l’application concerne surtout les femmes. Dans ce contexte, l’article examine les règles de la migration au Soudan en tant que pays de réception, de départ et de transit de femmes migrantes, en s’attardant sur des questions clé que sont le regroupement familial, le statut personnel, le droit d’asile et la protection des réfugiés, la protection des personnes ou groupes vulnérables, et les règles discriminatoires affectant aussi bien les Soudanaises que les étrangères. L’article montre que le Soudan ne dispose pas de règles, d’institutions ou de mécanismes susceptibles de soutenir les femmes avant ou pendant le processus migratoire, qu’elles soient soudanaises, réfugiées ou étrangères.
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Euro-Mediterranean Consortium for Applied Research on International Migration (CARIM)
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Series/Number: [Migration Policy Centre]; [CARIM-South]; CARIM Analytic and Synthetic Notes; 2011/27; Gender and Migration Series