Date: 1996
Type: Article
Plurality Competition and Party Realignment in Italy: the 1994 Parliamentary Elections
European Journal of Political Research, 1996, 29, 1, 105-142
BARTOLINI, Stefano, D'ALIMONTE, Roberto, Plurality Competition and Party Realignment in Italy: the 1994 Parliamentary Elections, European Journal of Political Research, 1996, 29, 1, 105-142
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
This paper deals with the 1994 Italian elections to both the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. It discusses: the new electoral system introduced for these elections; the realignment of the Italian party system since the previous election; patterns in the election results and the implications of these for the future. The paper argues that crucial differences in electoral law explain differences in the pattern of Senate and Chamber results. Considering regional patterns of voting, only the southern part of the country showed signs of close competition between the main party cartels. Comparing plurality and PR voting at constituency level, the paper highlights the inability of candidates of the left to mobilise supporters of other parties in their cartel in plurality elections, a factor that does not augur well for the left in future elections.
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Full-text via DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-6765.1996.tb00644.x
ISSN: 0304-4130
Earlier different version:
Version: The article is a published version of EUI SPS WP; 1995/07
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