Date: 2011
Type: Working Paper
Money is an Experience Good: Competition and Trust in the Private Provision of Money
Working Paper, EUI MWP, 2011/06
MARIMON, Ramon, NICOLINI, Juan Pablo, TELES, Pedro, Money is an Experience Good: Competition and Trust in the Private Provision of Money, EUI MWP, 2011/06 -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
We study the interplay between competition and trust as efficiency-enhancing mechanisms in the private provision of money. With commitment, trust is automatically achieved and competition ensures efficiency. Without commitment, competition plays no role. Trust does play a role but requires a bound on efficiency. Stationary inflation must be non-negative and, therefore, the Friedman rule cannot be achieved. The quality of money can only be observed after its purchasing capacity is realized. In that sense money is an experience good.
Additional information:
A previous version of this paper was circulated with the title 'Competition and Reputation'. We would like to thank Fernando Alvarez, Huberto Ennis, Robert Lucas, David Levine, and an anonymous referee, for their comments, as well as the participants in the seminars and conferences where this work was presented.
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ISSN: 1830-7728
Series/Number: EUI MWP; 2011/06
Keyword(s): Currency competition Trust Inflation Sustainable Equilibrium Experience goods E40 E50 E58 E60
Published version: