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dc.contributor.editorCREMONA, Marise
dc.contributor.editorMONAR, Joerg
dc.contributor.editorPOLI, Sara
dc.identifier.citationBruxelles/Bern/Berlin/Frankfurt am Main/New York/Oxford/Wien, Peter Lang, 2011, Cahiers du Collège d'Europe/College of Europe Studies, 13en
dc.description.abstractDuring the last decade the rapid growth of justice and home affairs as an internal policy making domain of the European Union has led to the Union emerging as an increasingly important international actor in this field. This book covers the institutional and legal framework of the external dimension of EU justice and home affairs; issues of policy interaction as well as specific challenges; policy responses and results in the fields of migration policy; judicial cooperation; counter-terrorism; and cooperation with major international partners. Taking into account the changes introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon as well as the priorities set by the 2010-2014 Stockholm Programme the book provides an in-depth exploration of the political and legal dynamics of a major new dimension of the EU.en
dc.description.tableofcontentsPérez Rubalcaba: Preface Sara Poli: The Institutional Setting and the Legal Toolkit Marise Cremona: EU External Action in the JHA Domain. A Legal Perspective Sandra Lavenex: Channels of Externalisation of EU Justice and Home Affairs Panos Koutrakos: The External Dimension of the AFSJ and Other EU External Policies. An Osmotic Relationship Bart Van Vooren: The Principle of Pre-emption after Opinion 1/2003 and Coherence in EU Readmission Policy Jean-Pierre Cassarino: Resilient Bilateralism in the Cooperation on Readmission Conny Rijken: The External Dimension of EU Policy on Trafficking in Human Beings Valsamis Mitsilegas: The European Union and the Implementation of International Norms in Criminal Matters Horatia Muir Watt: Recent Trends in Private International Law. The European Union and Third States Jan-Jaap Kuipers: The Exclusive External Competence of the Community under Article 81 TFEU. Lugano re-opened? Piet Eeckhout: Kadi and the EU as Instrument or Actor. Which Rule of Law for Counter-Terrorism? Monica den Boer: Soft, Smart and Strategic. The International Dimension of EU Action in the Fight Against Terrorism Francesca Longo: The Mediterranean Dimension of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice Wyn Rees: EU-US Cooperation on Counter-Terrorism and the Internationalisation of Law Enforcement Jörg Monar: The Outcomes of the External Dimension of the AFSJ. Forms, Effectiveness, Prospects and Specificityen
dc.publisherPeter Langen
dc.titleThe External Dimension of the European Union's Area of Freedom, Security and Justiceen

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