HEC Contributions to Books: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-5 of 902
Title:Uno specchio del Mediterraneo : i mercanti italiani ad Amsterdam e ii loro rapporto con Livorno (ca. 1650-1700) Author(s):DRAPER, Maarten
Date:2024Citation:Jacopo PESSINA and Silvia PAPINI (eds.), Gli ‘olandesi-alemanni’ a Livorno : Luoghi, vicende e figure di un incontro multiculturale, Pisa : Pisa University Press, 2024, pp. 131-147Type:Contribution to bookAbstract:Nell'elenco dei membri della Nazione Olandese-Alemanna del 30 novembre 1648, spicca il nome di Giovanni Battista Tensini fra altri otto nomi dal suono olandese sicuramente italianizzati, come Pietro van der Straaten e Isaac ...
Title:Women of the word : translation and political activism in the Age of Revolutions Author(s):PAPALEXOPOULOU, Elisavet
Date:2023Citation:Charlotte A. LERG , Johan ÖSTLING and Jana WEIß (eds), History of intellectual culture : modes of publication, Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2023, History of intellectual culture ; 2, pp. 111-122Type:Contribution to bookAbstract:At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the age-old system of empires was beginning to crumble. People were trying to reimagine the political space, and geographies in Europe were shifting. In this intellectual landscape ...
Title:Trans-Adriatic enlightenments : Maria Petrettini’s Italian translation of the Turkish embassy letters Author(s):PAPALEXOPOULOU, Elisavet
Date:2024Citation:Mónica BOLUFER, Laura GUINOT-FERRI and Carolina BLUTRACH (eds), Gender and cultural mediation in the long eighteenth century : women across borders, Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2024, New Transculturalisms : 1400–1800, pp. 269-286Type:Contribution to bookAbstract:There is a lot to say about the Corfiot aristocrat Maria Petrettini (1772– 1851). Her life spanned two centuries and five different empires. She could speak and write Venetian, Tuscan, Modern Greek, English, French and ...
Title:Endet das Imperium nach seinem Ende? Author(s):JUDSON, Pieter M.
Date:2024Citation:Marijan BOBINAC and Wolfgang MÜLLER-FUNK and Clemens RUTHNER (eds), Kakanien Revisited : Rückblick und Ausblick 2002-2022, Tübingen : Narr Francke Attempto Verlag , 2024, pp. 29-43Type:Contribution to bookAbstract:Die Arbeit von Kakanien revisited hat das Feld der Österreich-Studien weltweit verändert, indem das informelle Netzwerk eine Reihe kreativer neuer Fragstel‐ lungen und Ansätze in die historische und kulturwissenschaftliche ...
Title:Die Bedeutung der österreichischen Liberalen : Das Jahr 1848 und sein Erbe Author(s):JUDSON, Pieter M.
Date:2024Citation:Clemens ABLEIDINGER and Christoph WIEDERKEHR (eds), 175 Jahre 1848 : Liberalismus in Wien von 1848 bis heute, Böhlau Verlag, 2024, pp. 19-32Type:Contribution to bookAbstract:Die Revolutionen von 1848 in Österreich wurden weder durch die Bemühungen bürgerlicher Liberaler allein ausgelöst, noch sind sie allein durch diese entstanden. Ein Großteil der Gewalt – oder der Gewaltandrohung –, die die ...