RSC Contributions to Books
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Title:Le changement dans l'action publique Author(s):BOUSSAGUET, Laurie Date:2017Citation:Christophe ROUX and Eric SAVARESE (eds), Science politique : année 2017-2018, Bruxelles : Bruylant, 2017, pp. XX-XXType:Contribution to book
Title:Forums Author(s):BOUSSAGUET, Laurie Date:2019Citation:Laurie BOUSSAGUET, Sophie JACQUOT and Pauline RAVINET (eds), Dictionnaire des politiques publiques : 5e édition, Paris : Presses de Sciences Po, 2019, pp. 273-278Type:Contribution to bookAbstract:L’idée principale de ce modèle consiste à souligner que les débats autour des politiques publiques et sur les politiques publiques se développent sur une multiplicité de scènes, au sein de diverses instances, nommées « ...
Title:Os usos do supranacional : dinâmicas de integraçao regional e o papel dos atores nacionais Author(s):BOUSSAGUET, Laurie ; JACQUOT, SophieDate:2021Citation:Osmany PORTO DE OLIVEIRA and Patrick HASSENTEUFEL (eds), Sociologia política da ação pública : teorias, abordagens e conceitos, Brasilia : Escola Nacional de Administração Pública, 2021, pp. 335-352Type:Contribution to bookAbstract:O objetivo deste capítulo é apresentar uma série de reflexões que se desenvolveram particularmente no mundo acadêmico francófono, por um lado, sobre as interações entre a integração europeia e as transformações das políticas ...
Title:At the upper echelons of the state : symbols to build national unity Author(s):BOUSSAGUET, Laurie ; FAUCHER, FlorenceDate:2022Citation:Florence FAUCHER and Gérôme TRUC (eds), Facing terrorism in France : lessons from the 2015 Paris attacks, Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, French politics, society and culture, pp. 81-91Type:Contribution to bookAbstract:The French executive reacted within minutes of the attack on Charlie Hebdo, visiting the affected sites and making comments in the media. In the following hours and days, they articulated a frame for the interpretation of ...
Title:Judicial interactions with the court of justice and the application of the right to be forgotten by national courts Author(s):CASAROSA, Federica Date:2022Citation:Evangelia PSYCHOGIOPOULOU and Susana DE LA SIERRA (eds), Digital media governance and supranational courts : selected issues and insights from the European judiciary, Cheltenham ; Northampton : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, pp. 72-90Type:Contribution to bookAbstract:EU data protection law has always taken into account the potential overlap, if not conflict, between freedom of expression and data protection. The conflict between the right to be informed, which is protected under freedom ...