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dc.contributor.authorMARTINICO, Giuseppe
dc.identifier.citationLucia SCAFFARDI (ed.), Parlamenti in dialogo: L’uso della comparazione nella funzione legislativa, Napoli, Jovene Editore, 2011, 147-168en
dc.description.abstractThis paper explores the phenomenon of dialogue among legislatures in the Canadian context. The work is divided into three parts. In the first part I develop the relation between the concept of “dialogue” and that of “legal transplant” (this section is devoted to the “language” of dialogue) and explain why Canada is a relevant for my investigation. In the second part of the contribution I identify the “actors” and the “typologies” of dialogue at national and provincial level. Finally, in the third part of the paper I select some concrete examples of legislative transplants caused by forms of dialogue among legislatures.
dc.titleComunità dei legislatori e circolazione dei modelli: il caso del Canadaen
dc.typeContribution to booken

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