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dc.contributor.authorPONS, Silvio
dc.contributor.authorROMERO, Federico
dc.identifier.citationAntonio VARSORI and Guia MIGANI (eds), Europe in the International Arena during the 1970s: Enterning a Different World / L'Europe sur la scène internationale dans les années 1970 : A la découverte d'un nouveau monde, Bruxelles/Bern/Berlin/Frankfurt am Main/New York/Oxford/Wien, Peter Lang, 2011, Euroclio, 58: Studies and Documents / Etudes et documents, 85-97en
dc.description.abstractThe rise and fall of bipolar détente accompanied a redefinition of Western Europe’s identity and its international role. Increasingly united and active in reshaping East-West interactions as well as attempting to affect North-South relations (albeit quite less successfully), Western Europe gradually redefined its place and influence in the bipolar system. A cultural no less than a geo-political process, this transformation had a decisive influence on the crisis of the Socialist regimes, facilitated the nonviolent disintegration of the Soviet bloc, and laid the foundations for the post-Cold War rise of an expanded EU.en
dc.titleEurope between the Superpowers, 1968-1981en
dc.typeContribution to booken

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