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dc.contributor.authorZUREK, Karolina
dc.identifier.citationLeiden/Boston, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2012, Nijhoff International Trade Law Series, 9en
dc.description.abstractThis book presents a critical legal perspective on the current direction of EU food regulation. Analysing three regulatory mechanisms - mutual recognition, scientific risk regulation and standardisation - in the evolution of food legislation in the EU, the book shows the inadequacy of the current framework in facing the challenges of enlargement. Using the particular experience of a new member state, Poland, the book argues that enlarged Europe must not disregard diverse socio-economic implications of market regulation. Due to historical legacies and a bias in favour of homogeneity, EU food regulatory regime has generated a one-dimensional crisis-oriented approach. As a result, it tends to overlook other legitimate concerns such as quality, diversity and local traditions. This book argues that this need not be so.en
dc.description.tableofcontentsSummary Acknowledgements I Introduction II Three Regulatory Approaches to the Dilemma of the Europeanisation of Risk Regulation III Ways and Means of Regulating Food Safety in Europe IV The Enlargement of the European Market and Its Implications: The Example of Poland V Conclusion Bibliography Indexen
dc.publisherMartinus Nijhoff Publishersen
dc.titleEuropean Food Regulation After Enlargement: Facing the challenges of diversityen
dc.description.versionPublished version of EUI PhD thesis, 2010en

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