Date: 2000
Type: Book
Re-imagining the Nation: Debates on immigrants, identities and memories
New York, Peter Lang, 2000
ZOLNER, Mette, Re-imagining the Nation: Debates on immigrants, identities and memories, New York, Peter Lang, 2000
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
Why are national identities imagined in one way rather than in another? The book analyses national imaginations as an on-going reconstruction process in a political and social context in which several imaginations of the nation struggle to impose their conception. Focusing on a fundamental element of any collective identity, namely the «Other», the book looks at the reconstruction of national identities by actors in political debates on immigration in the late 1980s and 1990s, particularly associations and political clubs which were in favour of and against the presence of immigrant minorities in their respective countries. Thus, the book investigates different ways of imagining the same nation in two old European nation-states, namely France and Denmark, which differ with regard to their nation-building processes, their Second World War history, their memory of colonialism and their experience of immigration. It is thus possible to illustrate that existing ideas of the nation and memories of historical events shape the way in which the nation could be re-imagined in the 1980s and 1990s.
Table of Contents:
--Preface 9
--Problems, Conceptual Tools and Case-Studies 11
--Chapter 1. Historical Codlings 25
--Two Nation-Building Processes 25
--Two Contested Codings of the Nation 30
--One Consensual Coding of the Nation 35
--Chapter 2. National Memories of the Second World War and Colonialism 45
--Contested Memories of Guilt 45
--A Consensual Memory of Innocence 60
--Chapter 3. Immigration and the Political Context Denmark and the Immigrant 'Other' 85
--Chapter 4. The Club de l'Horloge 97
--Promoting National Liberal Ideas on the Right Selection, Secrecy and Hierarchy 105
--High Civil Servants 113
--National Anti-Sixty-Eighters 125
--A New Generation on the Right 128
--A National Reconstruction of the Republic 131
--A Cultural and Social 'Other' 140
--Revalorising the National Memory 148
--Chapter 5. SOS Racisme 161
--Promoting Equality and Solidarity 161
--Openness, Equality and Spontaneity 168
--University Students 17?
--A Pluri-Cultural Generation 177
--A New Generation on the Left 181
--A Pluri-Cultural Reconstruction of the Republic 186
--A Particularistic 'Other' 19?
--Commemorating Past Discrimination and Immigration 196
--Chapter 6. New Era and the Danish Society 203
--Defending Denmark 703
--Openness, Participation and Informality 204
--Men of Law 209
--Former Resistance Fighters and Anti-Sixty-Eighters 211
--Tq Be or not to Be 217
--The 'Other' as a Guest 221
--New Resistance Fighters and the Colonisation of Denmark 227
--Chapter 7. Young Anarchists 235
--Rebels with Alternative Values 735
--Self-Determination and Activism 236
--In Between Childhood and Adulthood 239
--A Post-Sixty-Eight Generation 241
--Ambiguous National Feelings 246
--An Imperialist and Nationalist 'Other' 248
--No Memory, but Symbols 249
--Chapter 8. The Process of Re-Imagining the Nation 255
--Sub-National Comparisons 255
--National Comparisons 258
--Trans-National Comparisons 263
--References 269
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ISBN: 9789052019116
Publisher: Peter Lang
Initial version:
Version: Published version of EUI PhD thesis, 1998
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