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dc.contributor.authorRODRIGUEZ POSE, Andrés
dc.identifier.citationOxford : Clarendon Press ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1998en
dc.description.abstractIn a period of deep economic, social, and political transformation, regional disparities seem to be particularly resistant to change. The emergence of a global economy, the shift in production methods, and the greater mobility of capital, labour, and raw materials have not brought about a radical reshuffling of the prevailing regional disparities. There is a greater concentration of economic activity in core areas and very few peripheral regions are taking advantage of the process of global restructuring. The Dynamics of Regional Growth in Europe looks for the reasons behind this persistence in the social, political, and institutional arrangements of a large set of European regions, by trying to relate two scientific approaches concerned with regional economic performance, which share very little in common: the literature on socioeconomic restructuring and structural change, on the one hand, and neoclassical and endogenous growth theories, on the other.en
dc.description.tableofcontents--List of Tables --List of Figures --List of Maps --1. Introduction: The Process of Socio-economic Restructuring and its Spatial Consequences 1 --2. Introducing Social and Political Factors in the Study of Growth 27 --3. Regions and Nations 53 --4. Regional Growth Patterns in Western Europe 72 --5. Social Conditions and Regional Growth in Western Europe 97 --6. Labour Market and Education 136 --7. Politics, Institutions, and Economic Performance 166 --8. Regional Politics and Growth in the European Context 205 --Conclusion 227 --References 236 --Index 251en
dc.publisherClarendon Pressen
dc.publisherOxford University Pressen
dc.titleThe dynamics of regional growth in Europe : social and political factorsen
dc.description.versionPublished version of EUI PhD thesis, 1996en

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