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dc.contributor.authorTZANOU, Maria
dc.identifier.citationFlorence : European University Institute, 2012en
dc.descriptionDefence date: 13 June 2012
dc.descriptionExamining Board: Professor Martin Scheinin, European University Institute (EUI Supervisor); Professor Valsamis Mitsilegas, Queen Mary University of London; Professor Tuomas Ojanen, University of Helsinki; Professor Giovanni Sartor, European University Institute.
dc.descriptionFirst made available online: 25 August 2021
dc.description.abstractThis thesis examines the added value of the fundamental right to data protection within the EU legal order when law enforcement measures are at stake. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the concept of data protection, its underlying values and aims, and the approaches to this right. It discusses the current theories and the existing case-law on data protection by identifying their shortcomings. It introduces a new theory on data protection that reconstructs the right and reshapes in a clear and comprehensive manner its understanding. The thesis tests the added value of the ‘reconstructed’ right to data protection in the most difficult context: law enforcement and counter-terrorism. Three specific case-studies of data processing in the field of law enforcement are used: 1) the information collection 2) the information storage and, 3) the information transfer case. The information collection case discusses the EU Data Retention Directive and addresses the conceptual confusions between the rights to privacy and data protection that surround it, before turning to a substantive fundamental rights assessment of the Directive. The information storage case examines the added value of the fundamental right to data protection in the context of the access of law enforcement authorities to information stored on EU-scale databases such as the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II), the Visa Information System (VIS) and Eurodac. Finally, the information transfer case discusses the role of the rights to privacy and data protection with regard to the transfer of data from the EU to the US for counterterrorism purposes. In this context, it addresses the EU-US PNR and TFTP cases.
dc.publisherEuropean University Instituteen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesPhD Thesisen
dc.subject.lcshData protection -- Law and legislation -- European Union countries
dc.subject.lcshRecords -- Law and legislation -- European Union countries
dc.subject.lcshPrivacy, Right of -- European Union countries
dc.titleThe added value of data protection as a fundamental right in the EU legal order in the context of law enforcementen

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