Date: 1988
Type: Working Paper
The future financing of the EC budget : (EPU conference : Florence,16-17 October 1987) : summary of the debates and abstracts of selected interventions
Working Paper, Florence : European University Institute, 1988EUI Working Papers, European Policy Unit, 355
European University Institute, The future financing of the EC budget : (EPU conference : Florence,16-17 October 1987) : summary of the debates and abstracts of selected interventions, Florence : European University Institute, 1988EUI Working Papers, European Policy Unit, 355 -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
Table of Contents:
-- PART 1: Summary of the Debates -- Les administrations nationales et les institutions européennes face audéfi budgétaire: un essai desynthèse by Renaud DEHOUSSE -- PART 2: Abstracts of SelectedInterventions -- Henning CHRISTOPHERSEN Vice-President Commissionof theEuropean Communities -- Enrique BARONCRESPO Vice-Président du Parlement européen -- Pieter DANKERT Vice-President of the European Parliament -- Jean-Pierre COT Président de la Commissiondes Budgets duParlement européen -- David BOSTOCK Financial Counsellor, Permanent Representation of the United Kingdom to the EC -- Guy ISAAC Président del'Université des Sciences Sociales de Toulouse -- Jurgen ORSTROM MOLLER Ministryof Foreign Affairs, Copenhagen -- Stephen SMITH Institute for Fiscal Studies, London -- Claude VILLAIN Inspecteur Général des Finances, Paris
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First made available online in 2018
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Series/Number: EUI Working Papers; European Policy Unit; 355
Publisher: European University Institute