Date: 1986
Type: Working Paper
Profit-sharing and employment : claims and overclaims
Working Paper, Florence : European University Institute, 1986EUI Working Papers, 245, [ECO]
NUTI, Domenico Mario, Profit-sharing and employment : claims and overclaims, Florence : European University Institute, 1986EUI Working Papers, 245, [ECO] -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
It has long been established that pay formulas containing an element of profit-sharing have non-inflationary employment promotion properties (Vanek, 1965), except in self-managed enterprises (e.g. Vanek, 1970). In recent literature economy-wide profit-sharing combined with workers' strict exclusion from employment decisions is being promoted as a scheme guaranteeing the achievement of a blissful state of non-inflationary excess demand for labour, absorbing all or part of possible deflationary shocks (Weitzman, 1983, 1984, 1985a, 1985b, 1986). Weitzman's proposal is reminiscent of the set-up in Catch-22, where a wheeler-dealer retrades and speculates with army supplies originally meant for the soldiers, who are supposed instead to benefit from their share in the profit of his operations; everybody has a share, nobody has a say, and the main beneficiary of the scheme is its proposer. The purpose of this paper is that of separating the beneficial effects of profit-sharing which are neither new nor controversial from the new propositions put forward by Weitzman which I shall argue to be overclaims.
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Series/Number: EUI Working Papers; 245; [ECO]
Publisher: European University Institute
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