Date: 2012
Type: Book
Multilayered Representation in the European Union: Parliaments, courts and the public sphere
Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2012, Schriftenreihe des Zentrums für Europäische Rechtspolitik der Universität Bremen (ZERP), 64
EVAS, Tatjana, LIEBERT, Ulrike, LORD, Christopher (editor/s), EVAS, Tatjana, LIEBERT, Ulrike, LORD, Christopher, Multilayered Representation in the European Union: Parliaments, courts and the public sphere, Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2012, Schriftenreihe des Zentrums für Europäische Rechtspolitik der Universität Bremen (ZERP), 64
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
The evolving European Union brings up vital questions about where democracy is heading. The book contributes to this discussion by offering critical appraisals and constructive propositions by eminent experts engaging with the novel configuration of “multilayered representation”. Key issues are the “European Multilevel Parliamentary Field”, the role of European Jurisprudence for representation, and the emerging European public sphere.
Table of Contents:
• Editorial 5
• Preface 7
• Multilayered Representation Across the European Union in Dialogue: Introduction, Tatjana Evas / Ulrike Liebert / Christopher Lord 11
• Crisis and Mutation in the Institutions of Representation in ‘Real-Existing’ European Democracies: National and Supra-national , Philippe C. Schmitter 25
• Part I : Representation in the European Multilevel Parliamentary Field
• Europe Hits Home – The Domestic Deficits of Representative Democracy in EU Affairs, Richard Bellamy / Sandra Kröger 41
• Unequal Representation in the European Parliament. A Comment on the Ruling by the German Constitutional Court on the Lisbon Treaty, Christopher Lord / Johannes Pollak 59
• Representation in Parliamentary Democracies: The European Parliament as a Deviant Case, Richard Rose 73
• A Democratic Backbone for International Organisations: The Multilevel Parliamentary Field, Ben Crum / John Erik Fossum 91
• Part II : Reconstituting Representation through European Jurisprudence
• Enhancing Democratic Legitimacy through Constitutional Pluralism? The Czech, German and Latvian Lisbon Rulings in Dialogue, Tatjana Evas / Ulrike Liebert 107
• National Courts and Ratification of the EU Treaties: Assessing the Impact of Political Contexts in Judicial Decisions, Carlos Closa Montero / Pablo José Castillo Ortiz 129
• Social Ideals of the Court of Justice of the European Union, Dagmar Schiek 157
• European Courts and Representation in the EU – Lessons from Mass Litigation, Harald Koch 183
• Part III : Contestatory Representation by Political Parties, Civil Society and the Public Sphere
• National Parliamentary Ratification of EU Treaty Reforms: The Interplay of Voting and Discursive Contestation, Aleksandra Maatsch 191
• (W)e the Peoples of Europe: Representations of the European Union Polity During 2009 European Parliamentary Elections on the Internet, Asimina Michailidou / Hans-Jörg Trenz / Pieter de Wilde 215
• Rethinking the “No European Demos” Thesis: Transnational Discursive Representation as a Prerequisite of EU Democracy, Ulrike Liebert 233
• About the Authors 255
Additional information:
List of contributors: Richard Bellamy, Pablo José Castillo Ortiz, Carlos Closa Montero, Ben Crum, Tatjana Evas, John Erik Fossum, Harald Koch, Sandra Kröger, Ulrike Liebert, Christopher Lord, Aleksandra Maatsch, Asimina Michailidou, Johannes Pollak, Richard Rose, Dagmar Schiek, Philippe C. Schmitter, Hans-Jörg Trenz, Pieter de Wilde.
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ISBN: 9783832972189
Publisher: Nomos