Date: 2013
Type: Working Paper
Extra-territorial application of the EU emission trading system : critical divergences between the EU and the US
Working Paper, EUI AEL, 2013/06, TRANSWORLD Project
QUIRICO, Ottavio, Extra-territorial application of the EU emission trading system : critical divergences between the EU and the US, EUI AEL, 2013/06, TRANSWORLD Project -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
By means of Directive 2008/101 the EU extended its Emission Trading System to airline companies whose aircraft arrive at or depart from the territory of the EU Member States. Requested to provide a preliminary opinion on the validity of the Directive–especially in light of its extraterritorial application–the CJEU confirmed its effectiveness, arguably based mainly on the principle of sovereignty and only subsidiarily on the principle of environmental protection. In light of the interpretation provided by the CJEU, this paper critically assesses Directive 2008/101 and concludes that its consistency with international law should be considered in the light of the secondary consequences of the duty to protect the environment rather than territorial sovereignty.
Cadmus permanent link:
ISSN: 1831-4066
Series/Number: EUI AEL; 2013/06; TRANSWORLD Project
Keyword(s): EU Emissions Trading System ICAO General and particular international law EU-US Open Skies agreement Sovereignty Territory Environmental protection UNFCCC Kyoto Protocol Obligations Erga Omnes Countermeasures
Grant number: FP7/290454
Sponsorship and Funder information:
The Redefining the Transatlantic Relationship and its Role in Shaping Global Governance (TRANSWORLD) project is funded by the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme under grant agreement no. 290454.