Date: 2005
Type: Book
Reforming the world trading system : legitimacy, efficiency and democratic governance
PETERSMANN, Ernst-Ulrich

Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2005, International economic law series
PETERSMANN, Ernst-Ulrich (editor/s), PETERSMANN, Ernst-Ulrich, Reforming the world trading system : legitimacy, efficiency and democratic governance, Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2005, International economic law series
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
Table of Contents:
WTO negotiators and academics analyse the Doha Development Round of the WTO : overview and summary of the book / Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann -- 1: The Doha Development agenda : political challenges to the world trading system : a cosmopolitan perspective / Peter Sutherland -- A development perspective on the WTO July 2004 General Council decision / Faizel Ismail -- Cordell Hull, the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act, and the WTO / Kenneth W. Dam -- How to forge a compromise in the agriculture negotiations / Stefan Tangermann -- The agriculture negotiations : the road from Doha and how to keep the negotiations on a positive track / Stuart Harbinson -- Strategic use of WTO dispute settlement proceedings for advancing WTO negotiations on agriculture / Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann -- Developing country proposals for the liberalization of movements of natural service suppliers / L. Alan Winters -- Navigating between the poles : unpacking the debate on the implications for development of GATS obligations relating to health and education services / J. Anthony VanDuzer -- Negotiations on domestic regulation and trade in services (GATS Article VI) : a legal analysis of selected current issues / Joel P. Trachtman -- Operationalizing the concept of policy space in the WTO : beyond special and differential treatment / Bernard Hoekman -- Can WTO technical assistance and capacity-building serve developing countries? / Gregory Shaffer -- Come together? : producer welfare, consumer welfare, and WTO rules / Petros C. Mavroidis -- Non-discrimination, welfare balances, and WTO rules : an historical perspective / Patrick A. Messerlin -- Is there a need for additional WTO competition rules promoting non-discriminatory competition laws and competition institutions in WTO members? / Francois Souty -- Are the competition rules in the WTO agreement on trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights adequate? / Frederick M. Abbott -- Investment and the Doha development agenda / Bijit Bora, Edward M. Graham -- The 'human rights approach' advocated by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and by the International Labour Organization : is it relevant for WTO law and policy? / Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann -- Parliamentary oversight of WTO rule-making : the political, normative, and practical contexts / Gregory Shaffer -- How can parliamentary participation in WTO rule-making and democratic control be made more effective in the WTO? : a United States Congressional perspective / David E. Skaggs -- How can parliamentary participation in WTO rule-making and democratic control be made more effective? : the European context / Meinhard Hilf -- A parliamentary dimension to the WTO : more than just a vision? / Erika Mann -- A few thoughts on legitimacy, democracy, and the WTO / James Bacchus -- The WTO and cosmopolitics / Steve Charnovitz -- Transparency, public debate, and participation by NGOs in the WTO : a WTO perspective / Julio A. Lacarte -- Improving the capacity of WTO institutions to fulfil their mandate / Richard Blackhurst, David Hartridge -- Chairing a WTO negotiation / John S. Odell -- Are WTO decision-making procedures adequate for making, revising, and implementing worldwide and 'plurilateral' rules? / Claus-Dieter Ehlermann, Lothar Ehring -- Is there a need for restructuring the collaboration among the WTO and UN agencies so as to harness their complementarities? / Gary P. Sampson -- Can the WTO dispute settlement system deal with competition disputes? / Claus-Dieter Ehlermann, Lothar Ehring
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ISBN: 9780199282623
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