Date: 2014
Type: Book
European consumer law
Cambridge ; Antwerp ; Portland : Intersentia, 2014, Ius communitatis. English ; 5, 2nd edition
REICH, Norbert, MICKLITZ, Hans-Wolfgang, ROTT, Peter, TONNER, Klaus, European consumer law, Cambridge ; Antwerp ; Portland : Intersentia, 2014, Ius communitatis. English ; 5, 2nd edition
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
The three authors have worked together to take a broad horizontal approach at the European consumer law acquis, thereby reflecting on the history, the achievements and also the shortcomings of EC law in this important field of law. The change from "minimum" to "full" or "targeted harmonisation" is critically analysed. The book contains an overall description of the position of EU consumer law between internal market law and consumer protection in Chapter 1. The following chapters 2 to 5 deal with advertising and commercial practices law mostly under Directive 2005/29/EC, with Directive 93/13/EEC on unfair terms in consumer contracts, with consumer sales under Directive 1999/44/EC and with the recent Directive 2008/48/EC on credit agreements for consumers. Chapter 6 takes a fresh look at an "old acquaintance", namely Directive 85/374/EEC on product liability, "upgraded" by an annex proposing an EC instrument introducing service liability. The closing chapters 7 and 8 concern cross-border consumer transactions, breaches of consumer law and litigation, and different mechanisms of individual and collective consumer protection to make consumer law effective and efficient.
Additional information:
Prior edition published under the title : Understanding EU consumer law, 2009. English edition (completely re-conceptualized and rewritten) of the German 4th edition : Europäisches Verbraucherrecht, 2003.
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ISBN: 978178068086
Publisher: Intersentia