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dc.contributor.authorWASIUCIONEK, Michal
dc.identifier.citationStanislava IACHIMOVSCHI and Elzbieta WIERUSZEWSKA-CALISTRU, (eds.), Polska i Rumunia : zwiazki historyczne i kulturowe : przeszlosc I dzien dzisiejszy : materialy z sympozjum, Suceava : Zwiazek Polaków w Rumunii, 2011, pp. 13-24en
dc.description.abstractThe Polish-Lithuanian intervention in the principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia in 1595 and 1600 had brought to power the Movila dynasty, backed by the Crown Grand Chancellor Jan Zamoyski. In order to safeguard its positions in the principalities and finance its military presence, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth sought to impose financial obligations on its clients, while the Polish diplomats in Istanbul strived to obtain the abolition of Moldavia and Wallachia’s tribute to the Porte. The paper traces the course of Moldavia and Wallachia’s financial obligations towards its northern neighbor.en
dc.titleZobowiazania finansowe Moldawii wobec Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów w latach 1600-1611en
dc.typeContribution to booken

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