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dc.contributor.authorWASIUCIONEK, Michal
dc.identifier.citationStefan LEVINTA, Lora MOSANU, Valentin CONSTANTINOV and Ilie GULCA (eds), Republica Moldova între Este si Vest : optiunile tineretului la etapa actuala, Chisinau : Universitatea de Stat Tiraspol cu sediul la Chisinau, 2013, pp. 191–199en
dc.description.abstractThe paper focuses on the changing framework of the Polish-Moldavian diplomatic ceremonial in the eighteenth century. In the absence of fixed ceremonial practice, the form of the ceremonies in the Moldavian capital was a product of negotiation in which references to other embassies played a significant role. As this paper argues, the mid-eighteenth century brought a significant shift in the ‘reference points’ the Polish-Lithuanian diplomats brought into the negotiations: while in the previous period the arguments were drawn from past instances of Polish-Moldavian relations, in the second half of the eighteenth century increasingly it was the contemporary Russian embassies that served as the blueprint.en
dc.titleOd porównan z przeszloscia do porównan z Rosja : polsko-litewscy dyplomaci, moldawski ceremonial i ceremonialny uklad odniesienia w XVIII w.en
dc.typeContribution to booken

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