Date: 2015
Type: Article
A critical friend : monitoring and evaluation systems, development cooperation and local governments : the case of Tuscany
Evaluation and programme planning, 2015, Vol. 50, pp. 63–76
ROSSIGNOLI, Serena, COTICCHIA, Fabrizio, MEZZASALMA, Annarosa, A critical friend : monitoring and evaluation systems, development cooperation and local governments : the case of Tuscany, Evaluation and programme planning, 2015, Vol. 50, pp. 63–76
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
The role of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems in the field of development cooperation has globally increased in last decades. International and regional organizations, as well as states, local governments and NGOs have largely adopted the tools provided by M&E in order to enhance transparency, effectiveness and efficiency. The paper aims at verifying how and to what extent the implementation of M&E systems has affected the overall quality of international cooperation projects financed by a local government. After a literature review on M&E in development cooperation, the research analyzes the wide range of activities (evaluation ex-ante, mid-term, final, monitoring, consultancy) carried out by the Evaluation Team of the XY in the last eight years in behalf of an Italian local government: the Region of Tuscany. The paper reveals the strategic significance of adopting M&E systems in the medium-long term.
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Full-text via DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2015.01.008
ISSN: 0149-7189
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