Date: 2015
Type: Working Paper
The differential approach to gender quotas in Spain : regulated politics and self-regulated corporate boards
Working Paper, EUI LAW, 2015/24
VERGE, Tània, LOMBARDO, Emanuela, The differential approach to gender quotas in Spain : regulated politics and self-regulated corporate boards, EUI LAW, 2015/24 -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
In 2007 Spain introduced statutory electoral and corporate board gender quotas as part of a broader gender equality programme. These quotas greatly differ with regard to the parity criteria in use, the period of application, and the measures for promoting compliance or sanctioning non-compliance. Electoral quotas are by far the most successful ones. This paper seeks to tease out why corporate board quotas lag behind electoral gender quotas. To explain this differential approach to gender quotas we assess the broader institutional configuration affecting these reform processes by looking at the obstacles and enabling (national and international) factors, the actors and networks pushing for or resisting each of the quota reforms as well as their framing strategies. We conclude that most of the enabling factors that exercised pressure in favour of gender quotas in politics were weak or missing in the economic sector and, thus, could not counteract the strong oppositional factors.
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ISSN: 1725-6739
Series/Number: EUI LAW; 2015/24