Date: 2016
Type: Book
Trading with the enemy : the making of US export control policy toward the People's Republic of China
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2016
MEIJER, Hugo, Trading with the enemy : the making of US export control policy toward the People's Republic of China, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2016
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
In light of the intertwining logics of military competition and economic interdependence at play in US-China relations, Trading with the Enemy examines how the United States has balanced its potentially conflicting national security and economic interests in its relationship with the People's Republic of China (PRC). To do so, Hugo Meijer investigates a strategically sensitive yet under-explored facet of US-China relations: the making of American export control policy on military-related technology transfers to China since 1979. Trading with the Enemy is the first monograph on this dimension of the US-China relationship in the post-Cold War. Based on 199 interviews, declassified documents, and diplomatic cables leaked by Wikileaks, two major findings emerge from this book. First, the US is no longer able to apply a strategy of military/technology containment of China in the same way it did with the Soviet Union during the Cold War. This is because of the erosion of its capacity to restrict the transfer of military-related technology to the PRC. Secondly, a growing number of actors in Washington have reassessed the nexus between national security and economic interests at stake in the US-China relationship by moving beyond the Cold War trade-off between the two in order to maintain American military preeminence vis-à-vis its strategic rivals. By focusing on how states manage the heterogeneous and potentially competing security and economic interests at stake in a bilateral relationship, this book seeks to shed light on the evolving character of interstate rivalry in a globalized economy, where rivals in the military realm are also economically interdependent.
Table of Contents:
-- Preface by David Lampton
-- Acknowledgments
-- List of Abbreviations
-- Introduction
-- Part I: The Strategic Triangle and US Defense Technology Transfers to the PRC during the Cold War
-- Chapter 1: From the Korean War to Normalization: US Export Controls Prior to 1979
-- Chapter 2: US-China Military Cooperation in the Last Decade of the Cold War
-- Part II: The Legacy of Tiananmen: Technology Controls in the Post-Cold War Era
-- Chapter 3: The Rise of China and the Collapse of COCOM
-- Chapter 4: Key Actors and Coalitions in the 1990s: The Rise of the Run Faster Coalition
-- Chapter 5: Supercomputers, Telecommunications Equipment, and China's Military Modernization
-- Chapter 6: Chinagate, the Cox Report, and Communications Satellites
-- Part III: China's Military Buildup and Strategic Trade Controls in the 21st Century
-- Chapter 7: China's Military Modernization and Foreign Defense Technology Acquisition
-- Chapter 8: The People's Liberation Army and Dual-Use Information and Communications Technologies
-- Chapter 9: Communications Satellites and the China Quagmire
-- Chapter 10: The China Rule and the China "Threat "
-- Conclusion: Beyond Containment: Security and Economics in the US-China Relationship
-- Bibliography
-- Index
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ISBN: 9780190277697
Publisher: Oxford University Press