Date: 2016
Type: Thesis
Juan Rena and the construction of the Hispanic monarchy (1500-1540)
Florence : European University Institute, 2016, EUI, HEC, PhD Thesis
ESCRIBANO PÁEZ, José Miguel, Juan Rena and the construction of the Hispanic monarchy (1500-1540), Florence : European University Institute, 2016, EUI, HEC, PhD Thesis -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
This thesis offers an innovative study in the construction of the Hispanic Monarchy during the first half of the sixteenth century. Focusing on a king's man: Juan Rena (Venice, ca. 1480-Toledo 1539); I explore subjects such as the Spanish expansionism in Europe and beyond, the configuration of the empire's frontiers, the shaping of the new imperial administration, and the functioning of Charles V's military machinery in the Mediterranean. In analysing Juan Rena's activity as a crown servant, this work reveals how the Hispanic Monarchy was constructed from below, out of multiple interactions between a wide array of socio-political actors. Furthermore, and this is one of the main contributions of this research, it will allow us to rethink the role of that the myriad of king's men, like Rena, played in the configuration of early modern empires. Hence, this thesis seeks to do more than simply reconstructing the activities of a royal servant, it aims to provide an in-depth study, which will contribute to our historical understanding of the construction of early modern empires.
Additional information:
Defence date: 10 June 2016; Examining Board: Professor Jorge Flores, European University Institute (supervisor); Professor Regina Grafe, European University Institute; Professor Wolfgang Kaiser, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne (external advisor); Professor Pedro Cardim, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Cadmus permanent link:
Full-text via DOI: 10.2870/419761
Series/Number: EUI; HEC; PhD Thesis
Publisher: European University Institute
LC Subject Heading: Rena, Juan, 1480-1539; Monarchy -- Spain -- History -- 16th century; Spain -- Politics and government -- 16th century; Spain -- History -- 16th century
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