Date: 2015
Type: Technical Report
Electoral rules and electoral participation in the European Elections : the ballot format and structure
Technical Report, EUDO Report, 2015/10
BARDI, Luciano, CICCHI, Lorenzo, Electoral rules and electoral participation in the European Elections : the ballot format and structure, EUDO Report, 2015/10 -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
This study aims to assess the feasibility of a harmonisation and "Europeanisation" of the ballots used in the 28 Member States for the election of the European Parliament. This is done by comparing the actual structure of ballots used in all the Member States according to some key variables, by analysing which information can be currently provided on the ballots, by describing the provisions that regulate at national level all aspects relating to the format and appearance of the ballots, and by investigating the legal and political constraints that impact on amending such legislation. Finally, an assessment of whether the presence of Euro-specific information such as the name of the affiliated European party, its logo, and a reference to the lead candidate for the European Commission could enhance the European and transnational character of the European elections.
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Series/Number: EUDO Report; 2015/10
Initial version:
Version: Published version of EP Study 2015/PE 536.464