LAW PhD Theses: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-5 of 794
Title:Decoding EU disclosure regulation on retail investment products Author(s):DE WITTE, Folker Andries
Date:2025Citation:Florence : European University Institute, 2025Type:ThesisSeries/Number:EUI; LAW; PhD ThesisAbstract:The European Union has adopted many disclosure laws with the aim of providing retail inves-tors with financial and sustainability-related information from those who manufacture, offer, issue and distribute investment ...
Title:The power of counsel : a qualitative socio-legal study in investment treaty arbitration Author(s):TRAXLER, Tobias
Date:2025Citation:Florence : European University Institute, 2025Version:Chapter 3 'Arbitrator selection and tribunal formation' of the PhD thesis draws upon an earlier version published as an article 'Pro-claimant bias in arbitrator selection' (2024) in the journal 'Journal of international economic law'.Type:ThesisSeries/Number:EUI; LAW; PhD ThesisAbstract:The influence of legal counsel on litigation outcomes has been well-documented in the law and society literature. Extending this to investment treaty arbitration, a study by Franck and Wylie (2015) found counsel experience ...
Title:Re-articulating cultural rights in international human rights law using Global South epistemologies : a case study of the Irulars Author(s):VISWANATH, Raghavi
Date:2024Citation:Florence : European University Institute, 2024Type:ThesisSeries/Number:EUI; LAW; PhD ThesisAbstract:‘Re-articulating cultural rights in international human rights law using Global South epistemologies: A case study of the Irulars’ is a thesis that excavates a counterhegemonic imaginary of cultural rights. Amidst burgeoning ...
Title:National security and the European Court of Human Rights : mediating challenges through interdependent interpretation Author(s):SOMMARDAL, Johanna Yvonne Jasmine
Date:2024Citation:Florence : European University Institute, 2024Type:ThesisSeries/Number:EUI; LAW; PhD ThesisAbstract:Using a doctrinal-constructivist approach, this thesis analyses how national security restricts the interpretation of rights protection under the European Convention on Human Rights (‘the Convention’) by the European Court ...
Title:Horizontal energy governance in the European Union Author(s):MÜNCHMEYER, Max
Date:2024Citation:Florence : European University Institute, 2024Version:Chapter 7 'Solidarity as catalyst for horizontal energy Union governance' of the PhD thesis draws upon an earlier version published as an article 'The principle of energy solidarity : Germany v. Poland' (2022) in the journal 'Common market law review'.Type:ThesisSeries/Number:EUI; LAW; PhD ThesisAbstract:This thesis examines how the European Union moderates between different priorities of energy policy, commonly conceptualised as the energy trilemma, which consists of the three interdependent objectives of sustainability, ...