Date: 2017
Type: Thesis
Essays on the revolution in Tunisia
Florence : European University Institute, 2017, EUI, SPS, PhD Thesis
NETTERSTRØM, Kasper Ly, Essays on the revolution in Tunisia, Florence : European University Institute, 2017, EUI, SPS, PhD Thesis -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
The Tunisian Revolution and constitutional process constitute the first successful indigenous democratization process in the Arab World. In this article based thesis the historic event is analysed and discussed in relation to the established theories of democratization. The thesis contains four different articles. The first focuses on why the Tunisian Islamists accepted the country’s new constitution despite the fact that it contained principles that were in opposition to some of their previous Islamist beliefs. The second centres on the role of the Tunisian General Labor Union. It seeks to explain why the union could play such a crucial role in the revolution and constitutional process despite the fact that its leadership had close connections to the previous regime. The third article looks into how the Tunisian religious sphere changed as a result of the revolution. The fourth article tries to answer why the revolution came to be understood as a conflict between 'Islamists' and 'secularists' through an analysis of the conflict between the Islamists and the Tunisian General Labor Union. Finally, in the last chapter the state of comparative politics is discussed in relation to the conclusions of the different articles.
Additional information:
Defence date: 10 July 2017; Examining Board: Professor Olivier Roy, European University Institute (supervisor); Professor Hanspeter Kriesi, European University Institute; Professor Malika Zeghal, Harvard University; Associate professor Nadia Marzouki, EHESS
Cadmus permanent link:
Full-text via DOI: 10.2870/98789
Series/Number: EUI; SPS; PhD Thesis
Publisher: European University Institute
LC Subject Heading: Revolutions -- Tunisia; Democratization -- Tunisia; Regime change -- Tunisia; Tunisia -- History -- Demonstrations, 2010-; Tunisia -- Politics and government -- 2011-
Preceding version:;;
Version: Chapter 4 ‘The Tunisian revolution and governance of religion' of the PhD thesis draws upon an earlier version published as an article 'The Tunisian revolution and governance of religion' (2017) in the journal ‘Middle East critique’; Chapter 2 ‘The Islamists’ compromise in Tunisia' of the PhD thesis draws upon an earlier version published as an article 'The Islamists’ compromise in Tunisia' (2015) in the journal ‘Journal of democracy'; Chapter 3 ‘The Tunisian General Labor Union and the advent of democracy' of the PhD thesis draws upon an earlier version published as an article 'The Tunisian General Labor Union and the advent of democracy' (2016) in the journal ‘The Middle East journal’