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dc.contributor.editorDE FEO, Alfredo
dc.contributor.editorLAFFAN, Brigid
dc.identifier.citationFlorence : European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, 2017en
dc.description.abstractIn October 2015 the Robert Schuman Centre organised a workshop on the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the EU budget as part of a project on the Evolution of Budgetary Powers and their Contribution to European Governance. A first seminar dedicated to Own Resources took place in April 2015. The EU budget represents only 1% of GNI but its impact on the economy is greater due to its leverage effects. How can the EU Budget be more focused on results, strengthening its efficiency and effectiveness? Improving the quality of expenditure is the challenge for the next few years. The workshop gathered several high-profile participants representing the private sector and European and national institutions, and it benefitted from in-depth analysis and comments by academics and practitioners.en
dc.description.tableofcontents-- Introduction, by Alfredo De Feo and Brigid Laffan 1; -- Keynote, by Pier Carlo Padoan 2; -- An EU Budget for Results, by Kristalina Georgieva 8; -- The perception of the EU budget, by Maria Lodovica Agro 13; -- The added value of EU spending, by Eulalia Rubio 19; -- European funding in Saxony, by Hansjörg König 24; -- The 2013 MFF agreement and how to secure improvements, by Giacomo Benedetto 30; -- The EU budget as an added value: A comment, by Michael Shackleton 41; -- A performance-based budget to improve effectiveness, by Alfredo De Feo 45; -- Annex: Programme of the Workshop 55en
dc.publisherEuropean University Instituteen
dc.titleEffectiveness and added value of the EU budgeten

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