Date: 2017
Type: Book
The problem of religious diversity : European challenges, Asian approaches
Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 2017[Global Governance Programme], [Cultural Pluralism]
TRIANDAFYLLIDOU, Anna, MODOOD, Tariq (editor/s), TRIANDAFYLLIDOU, Anna, MODOOD, Tariq, The problem of religious diversity : European challenges, Asian approaches, Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 2017[Global Governance Programme], [Cultural Pluralism] -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
Could lessons from Asia, Oceania and the Middle East help Europe overcome the challenge of religious diversity? Religious diversity is one of the toughest challenges that today's European societies face in their search for identity, equality and cohesion in an increasingly globalised world. This book engages critically with the different models and approaches for managing religion adopted in Europe, Asia and Oceania in order to seek answers to this pressing normative, conceptual and policy issue.
Table of Contents:
-- Notes on Editors
-- Notes on Contributors
-- 1. Religion and Religious Diversity Challenges Today, Anna Triandafyllidou and Tariq Modood
-- Part I The Governance of Religious Diversity: Freedom of Religion or Freedom from Religion
-- 2. Nation and Religion: Dangerous Liaisons, Anna Triandafyllidou
-- 3. Multiculturalism and Moderate Secularism, Tariq Modood
-- 4. Living with Religious Diversity: The Limits of the Secular Paradigm, Gurpreet Mahajan
-- 5. Secularism: Public Space and Visible Diversity, Tariq Ramadan
-- 6. Freedom of Religion in Europe: Finding the Golden Mean between Too Little and Too Much Protection, Marie-Claire Foblets
-- Part II The Governance of Religious Diversity in the Public Space: Perspectives from Asia and the Middle East
-- 7. The Governance of Religious Diversity in the Public Space: Indonesia in Comparative Perspective, Alfred Stepan
-- 8. The Governance of Religious Diversity in Malaysia: Islam in a Secular State or Secularism in an Islamic State?, Zawawi Ibrahim and Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid
-- 9. Secularism and Multiculturalism in India:Some Reflections, Rochana Bajpai
-- 10. Secularism as Proto-Multiculturalism: The Case of Australia, Geoffrey Brahm Levey
-- 11. The Monopoly of Jewish Orthodoxy in Israel and Its Effects on the Governance of Religious Diversity, Raphael Cohen-Almagor
-- 12. Secularism as a Double-Edged Sword? State Regulation of Religion in Turkey, Haldun Gülalp
-- Part III Afterword
-- Four Dogmas or Heresies in the Discussion of Secularism and Religion, Joseph H. H. Weiler
-- Rethinking Secularism, Bhikhu Parekh
-- Index
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Series/Number: [Global Governance Programme]; [Cultural Pluralism]
Publisher: Edinburgh University Press
Other topic(s): Cultural and religious diversity