Date: 1995
Type: Thesis
The targeting of family allowance in Hungary
Florence : European University Institute, 1995, EUI, ECO, PhD Thesis
JARVIS, Sarah J., The targeting of family allowance in Hungary, Florence : European University Institute, 1995, EUI, ECO, PhD Thesis -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
Additional information:
Defence date: 27 January 1995; Examining board: Prof. Ödön Éltetõ, Hungarian Central Statistical Office ; Prof. Björn A. Gustafssson, University of Göteborg ; Prof. Stephen Pryse Jenkins, University College of Swansea ; Prof. John Micklewright, E.U.I., Supervisor ; Prof. Holly Sutherland, University of Cambridge; PDF of thesis uploaded from the Library digitised archive of EUI PhD theses completed between 2013 and 2017
Cadmus permanent link:
Series/Number: EUI; ECO; PhD Thesis
Publisher: European University Institute
LC Subject Heading: Family allowances -- Hungary