Date: 2017
Type: Book
Improving the monitoring indicators system to support DG competition's future policy : final report
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2017
BLAGOEVA, Tsvetelina, ILISESCU, Adriana, ATTSTROM, Karin, MONTI, Giorgio, LE DEN, Xavier, BONFILS, William, Improving the monitoring indicators system to support DG competition's future policy : final report, Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2017
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
The study to support the process of “Improving the Monitoring Indicators System to support DG Competition's Future Policy Assessments” mapped, categorised and systematised result and impact indicators used by DG Competition in 11 Impact Assessments of policy instruments concerning the policy areas of antitrust, state aid and mergers. The study identified over 500 result and impact indicators which were assessed against the RACER criteria (relevant, accepted, credible, easy to monitor and robust). 170 additional indicators were proposed to reinforce the monitoring indicators system' of DG Competition. The study also identified indicators measuring various economic, social and environmental effects of competition policy utilised by 9 other Directorate-Generals, 7 National Competition Authorities and 2 international organisations. The study identified data gaps in the evidence base for indicators used by DG Competition and a number of data collection activities were proposed. The findings of the study were supported by recommendations and advice on future action to reinforce the indicators' system and evidence base for policy assessments. The recommendations included inter alia: a more systematic approach towards the definition of objectives for policy instruments, setting up a centralised indicators database, better use of existent data sources and complemented with the use of systematic data collection and methodological tools.
Table of Contents:
-- Executive Summary, 1
-- Synthèse, 3
-- Abstract, 6
-- Résumé, 7
1. Introduction, 8
2. Methodological Approach, 9
3. Mapping and Analysis of the Indicators used by DG Competition, 11
4. Mapping and Analysis of Other Indicators Systems for Competition Policy, 59
5. Data Gaps and Data Sources, 101
6. Recommendations for Further Research and/or Practical Advice for Next Steps that DG Competition Could Take, 116
-- Bibliography, 120
-- Annex 1 – Methodological note on Task 1
-- Annex 2 – Reviews of IAs under Task 1
-- Annex 3 – Reviews of indicators by other Commission DGs
Additional information:
European Union Commission DG Competition Final Report, January 2017
Cadmus permanent link:
Full-text via DOI: 10.2763/1790
ISBN: 9789279681073
Publisher: Publications Office of the European Union