Date: 2018
Type: Working Paper
European policy failure during the refugee crisis : partial empowerment, reluctant agents, a cacophony of voices, and unilateral action
Working Paper, EUI RSCAS, 2018/36
DA CONCEICAO-HELDT, Eugenia, European policy failure during the refugee crisis : partial empowerment, reluctant agents, a cacophony of voices, and unilateral action, EUI RSCAS, 2018/36 -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
How can we explain the EU’s policy failure during the refugee crisis? In this contribution, I argue that EU policy failure was a function of four causal mechanisms. First, a complex delegation design with partial empowerment of supranational institutions on migration and asylum policy issues hindered an effective response and strengthened disintegration dynamics. Second, a reluctant European Commission was unable to provide leadership during the refugee crisis. Third, Member States’ inability to speak with a single voice negatively impacted their external and internal effectiveness and reinforced disintegration dynamics. Finally, this cacophony of voices led to unilateral action eroding the authority of the Commission and explains EU policy failure during the refugee crisis. The findings of this paper suggest that the mantra that the EU undergoes many crises but always emerges stronger has lost plausibility.
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ISSN: 1028-3625
Series/Number: EUI RSCAS; 2018/36