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dc.contributor.authorUNGER, Corinna R.
dc.identifier.citationLondon : Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, New approaches to international historyen
dc.description.abstractInternational Development: A Postwar History offers the first concise historical overview of international development policies and practices in the 20th century. Embracing a 'longue durée' perspective, the book describes the emergence of the development field at the intersection of late colonialism, the Second World War, the onset of decolonization, and the Cold War. It discusses the role of international organizations, colonial administrations, national governments, and transnational actors in the making of the field, and it analyzes how the political, intellectual, and economic changes over the course of the postwar period affected the understanding of and expectations toward development. By drawing on examples of development projects in different parts of the world and in different fields, Corinna R. Unger shows how the plurality of development experiences shaped the notion of development as we know it today. This book is ideal for scholars seeking to understand the history of development assistance and to gain new insight into the international history of the 20th century.en
dc.description.tableofcontents1. Introduction 2. Development in History: 'Every man's road to utopia'? 3. Forerunners of Development 4. The Emergence of Development in the Mid-Twentieth Century 5. Development in the Context of Decolonization and the Cold War 6. Development Approaches and Practices in the Postwar Period 7. Challenges to Development 8. The Disintegration of Development 9. Conclusion and Outlook Notes Bibliography Indexen
dc.publisherBloomsbury Academicen
dc.titleInternational development : a postwar historyen

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