Date: 2018
Type: Book
Kritika : essays on intellectual property, Volume 3
Cheltenham ; Northampton : Edward Elgar, 2018
ULLRICH, Hanns, DRAHOS, Peter, GHIDINI, Gustavo (editor/s), ULLRICH, Hanns, DRAHOS, Peter, GHIDINI, Gustavo, Kritika : essays on intellectual property, Volume 3, Cheltenham ; Northampton : Edward Elgar, 2018
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
The fields of intellectual property have broadened and deepened in so many ways that commentators struggle to keep up with the ceaseless rush of developments and hot topics. Kritika: Essays on Intellectual Property is a series that is designed to help authors escape this rush. It creates a forum for authors who wish to more deeply question, investigate and reflect upon the evolving themes and principles of the discipline. This third volume of Kritika again brings together leading scholars from different fields and disciplines. Their essays reflect on some of the big problems in the field, addressing issues such as the way that institutions like WIPO continue with their propertization missions, how the bells of lobbyists toll incessantly for new data rights, and the ways in which discourses of human rights and information justice struggle to turn intellectual property from an instrument of private accumulation into one of service for the common good. Important questions in the field are also tackled; for example, how does the Islamic view of knowledge as life cohere with intellectual property, at a time when, as other essays show, intellectual property grounds new forms of state imperium?
Table of Contents:
1. 'Love is blind, and lovers cannot see': Resisting Copyright's Romance, Fiona Macmillan
2. The hypertrophy of German copyright law and some fragmentary ideas on information law, Thomas Hoeren
3. Against 'Data Property', P. Bernt Hugenholtz
4. Who am I? Of patent independence and 'adjudicative regulators', Shamnad Basheer and Rahul Bajaj
5. Rethinking the Foundations of Intellectual Property: Applying Islamic Principles on Selected Contemporary IP Challenges, Mohammed El Said
6. Remodelling Global Intellectual Property Sara Bannerman
7. New economic models, new forms of state: The emergence of the 'info-imperium' state, Blayne Haggart
-- Index
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Full-text via DOI: 10.4337/9781788971164
ISBN: 9781788971157; 9781788971164
ISSN: 2058-9824; 2058-9832
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing