Date: 2019
Type: Other
A fair single market for EU prosperity
EUI RSCAS PP, 2019/03, Special Edition for the EP Elections 2019, [European Governance and Politics Programme]
PELKMANS, Jacques, A fair single market for EU prosperity, EUI RSCAS PP, 2019/03, Special Edition for the EP Elections 2019, [European Governance and Politics Programme] -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
The EU is about values and about prosperity. When it comes to prosperity, the single market is and will remain the core of European integration. It is critical for the EUメs prosperity to further deepen and modernize the single market whilst strengthening EU policies and regulations pursuing fairness. This means that the prosperity generated by the single market reaches all citizens and regions whilst temporary losers are protected and enjoy opportunities. This paper explains why the single market is so important, why it is not always recognisable as many distinct names are employed, why and how ムfairnessメ has become a major issue in terms of legitimacy and to what extent the EU can do something about it, what todayメs single market strategy is essentially about and how the EU has attempted to match deepening with ムfairness.メ Principal policy options are suggested for the near future
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ISSN: 1830-1541
Series/Number: EUI RSCAS PP; 2019/03; Special Edition for the EP Elections 2019; [European Governance and Politics Programme]