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dc.contributor.authorAGHABABYAN, Petros
dc.description.abstractSeasonal labour migration has been present in Armenia since the 1960s and the times of the Soviet Union. During those years 50,000 people from densely populated rural areas annually left their country, above all going to Russia, in order to work in construction: this phenomenon was known as “khopanchiner” (labour migrants) and its Russian synonym “shabashniki”. As a rule, departure from Armenia starts in early spring, reaching its height in March and April, and the return starts in the autumn in the second half of October. Annually, 60,000-80,000 people leave Armenia for seasonal work due to low salaries, lack of work and poor prospects. The main destination countries are the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus due to the visa free regime, lack of language obstacles and then comes the US and other European countries. Though there is no legal formulation for circular migration in Armenian legislation, circular migration is indirectly referred to in separate legal acts and a number of international agreements/treaties signed by Armenia. They contribute or can contribute to the establishment of circular migration. They can stimulate it, as well as coordinate, to a certain extent, circular migration. Legal aspects of circular migration should be observed from two angles: Circular migration in case of foreigners’ or stateless persons’ entry and residence in Armenia. Circular migration when Armenian citizens leaving the RA.en
dc.description.sponsorshipConsortium for Applied Research on International Migration (CARIM-East) is co-financed by the European University Institute and the European Union
dc.relation.ispartofseriesMigration Policy Centreen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesExplanatory Notesen
dc.subjectMigration policy
dc.subjectLegal framework
dc.subjectStatistical data
dc.titleLegal aspects of circular migration in the Republic of Armeniaen
dc.typeTechnical Reporten

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