Date: 2018
Type: Book
EU external migration policies in an era of global mobilities : intersecting policy universes
Leiden : Brill Nijhoff, 2018, Immigration and asylum law and policy in Europe ; 44[Migration Policy Centre]
CARRERA, Sergio, DEN HERTOG, Leonhard, PAMOZZON, Marion, KOSTAKOPOULOU, Dora (editor/s), CARRERA, Sergio, DEN HERTOG, Leonhard, PAMOZZON, Marion, KOSTAKOPOULOU, Dora, EU external migration policies in an era of global mobilities : intersecting policy universes, Leiden : Brill Nijhoff, 2018, Immigration and asylum law and policy in Europe ; 44[Migration Policy Centre] -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
This collective volume draws on the themes of intersectionality and overlapping policy universes to examine and evaluate the shifting functions, frames and multiple actors and instruments of an ongoing and revitalised cooperation in EU external migration and asylum policies with third states. The contributions are based on problem-driven research and seek to develop bottom-up, policy-oriented solutions, while taking into account global, EU-based and local perspectives, and the shifting universes of EU migration, border and asylum policies. In 15 chapters, we explore the multifaceted dimensions of the EU external migration policy and its evolution in the post-crisis, geopolitical environment of the Global Compacts.
Table of Contents:
-- Preface
-- Acknowledgements
-- Notes on Contributors
-- The External Faces of EU External Migration Law and Policy: an Introduction, Sergio Carrera, Leonhard den Hertog and Marion Panizzon
-- Part 1
-- Borders and Readmission Intersecting with Diplomacy and Refugees
1. On Policy Ghosts: EU Readmission Arrangements as Intersecting Policy Universes, ergio Carrera
2. New Actors and New Understandings in European Union External Migration Governance? The Case of EU-Tunisian Migration Relations, Andrew Geddes and Luca Lixi
3. Refashioning Resettlement: from Border Externalization to Legal Pathways for Asylum, Mario Savino
4. The Place and Role of International Human Rights Law in the EU Return Directive and in the Related cjeu Case-Law: Approaches Worlds Apart?, Tamás Molnár
5. Agencification as a Key Component of the EU Externalisation Toolkit. Observations on a Silent Escape from the Rule of Law, Daniela Vitiello
-- Part 2
-- Migration and Labour Mobility: Intersections or Fragmentation?
6. The EU’s Approach to Circular Migration in the Context of the Eastern Partnership Neighbourhood, Zvezda Vankova
7. Migration versus Mobility in EU External Action towards China and India, Marco Stefan
8. The EU’s External Labour Mobility and Trade—a Multilayered Governance Approach?, Flavia Jurje
9. Intersecting Policies of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Migration in the EU and the Netherlands, Tesseltje de Lange
10. Trade-for-Refugee Employment: Nexing for Deterrence or Development in the EU-Jordan Compact?, Marion Panizzon
-- Part 3
-- Instruments as Venues for Intersecting Policy Universes
11. Making and Implementing Multi-Actor EU External Migration Policy: the Mobility Partnerships, Natasja Reslow
12. The Duty of Cooperation in the External Dimension of the EU Migration Policy, Paula García Andrade
13. Beyond “Europeanization beyond Europe” – the EU-Asia Dialogue on Migration as an Alternative Form of Cooperation, Midori Okabe
14. The Funding Instruments of the EU’s Negotiation on External Migration Policy. Incentives for Cooperation?, Nora El Qadim
15. In Defence of Policy Incoherence – Illustrations from EU External Migration Policy, Leonhard den Hertog
-- Conclusions, Dora Kostakopoulou and Marion Panizzon
-- Index
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Full-text via DOI: 10.1163/9789004354234
ISBN: 9789004354234
Series/Number: [Migration Policy Centre]
Publisher: Brill Nijhoff